Lesser Emperor

Lesser Emperor

The third abdominal segment reflects silver.


A beautiful dragonfly with green and light blue.Its eyes are yellow-green, and its thorax is a slightly darker green. The base of the male's abdomen is a vivid light blue. The underside of the third abdominal segment reflects silver, which is also its Japanese name.

How to distinguish between Silver Dragonfly and Black-striped Silver Dragonfly

Silver Dragonfly and Black-striped Silver Dragonfly can be distinguished by the presence or absence of black stripes on their thorax. Silver Dragonfly's thorax is uniformly green. Silver Dragonfly appears to be a size smaller, but it is somewhat difficult to distinguish them when flying.

Picture of Lesser Emperor


They can be found in waterside areas all over Japan from spring to the end of autumn. They have territories and fly around or hover. If other individuals or dragonflies smaller than themselves invade, they will chase them. They feed on insects.

The male and female fly together and land near the water surface to lay eggs.


Tama River midstream

Photographed in a puddle in the Tama River midstream. The area surrounded by cattails seems to be its territory, and it circles around and chases away other dragonflies that come by.

I was able to photograph it as it often hovered.


Introducing a picture of Lesser Emperor.

Picture of Lesser Emperor1|A green and light blue male.
A green and light blue male.
Picture of Lesser Emperor2|It was hovering.
It was hovering.
Picture of Lesser Emperor3|The underside of the third abdominal segment is silver.
The underside of the third abdominal segment is silver.
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