False kelpfish

False kelpfish

spines on dorsal fin.


Body color varies from reddish brown to dark brown. White spots are scattered all over the body. The front of the dorsal fin is pointed and has spines. There are 4-5 white spots along the dorsal fin. The back of the head, the nape of the nape, and the neck of some individuals become whitish.

Picture of False kelpfish


It inhabits reefs near the coast and hides in crevices and under rocks. It also likes gaps between tetrapods. It preys on small fish and crustaceans after dark.


Miura Peninsula Arasaki

There is a rockfish point under the rock just after entering the sea of Arasaki. Individuals as large as 20cm cling to humans without fear. If you shine a light under the rock, you will often run into a lurking scorpionfish.


Introducing a picture of False kelpfish.

Picture of False kelpfish1|White and brown mottled pattern.
White and brown mottled pattern.
Picture of False kelpfish2|The area around the neck looks white.
The area around the neck looks white.
Picture of False kelpfish3|In a crack in the rock.
In a crack in the rock.
Picture of False kelpfish4|Put face out of the hole.
Put face out of the hole.
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