Goniobranchus tinctorius

Goniobranchus tinctorius

has a red mesh pattern.


A sea slug with a white body and a red mesh pattern. It is about 4cm long. The edge of the mantle is yellow, and there are red spots on the inside of the edge. The antennae are a slightly darker red than the mesh pattern.

Picture of Goniobranchus tinctorius


Found on reefs. The individual photographed was walking in a shallow tide pool.


I photographed an individual in a tide pool in Arasaki. The waves were a little high, so I was hesitant to enter the deep rocks, so I was observing the tide pool. I found a Goniobranchus tinctorius on the rocks that I usually use as an entrance to the sea. It was walking in water 30cm deep.


Introducing a picture of Goniobranchus tinctorius.

Picture of Goniobranchus tinctorius1|red spots line the periphery of the mantle.
red spots line the periphery of the mantle.
Picture of Goniobranchus tinctorius2|It has a red mesh pattern.
It has a red mesh pattern.
Picture of Goniobranchus tinctorius3|It was in shallow waters of a few dozen centimeters.
It was in shallow waters of a few dozen centimeters.
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