Euricania facialis

Euricania facialis

transparent wings with a black border.


It has transparent wings with a dark brown edge. Veins run through the wings, but they are almost transparent and the leaves on the other side can be seen. The margin of the forewing has a yellow spot and a small white spot. The thorax is greenish brown.

Picture of Euricania facialis


In summer, it occurs in thickets and parks. They gather on mulberry trees and suck juice. Overwinter as eggs.


Katakura Castle Ruins Park

I took a picture of the underside of the leaves of the Japanese iris in Katakura Castle Ruins Park. The green underfoot could be seen through the transparent wings. At first glance, it looks plain and you might miss it, but when you see it up close, it has beautiful wings.


Introducing a picture of Euricania facialis.

Picture of Euricania facialis1|Transparent with black border are wings.
Transparent with black border are wings.
Picture of Euricania facialis2|It sat still on a leaf.
It sat still on a leaf.
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Pictures of Euricania facialis.

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