Large Brown Cicada

Large Brown Cicada

Makes a "zee" sound.


One of the most common species in Japan.

It has opaque brown wings. The wing veins look yellowish green or light brown.

The head and thorax are blackish brown, and the abdomen and belly are white. The blackish brown of the thorax has brown spots.

The song of the Aburazemi

They sing "Zi" and "Jijijiji". When they run away, they cry "Jiji".

Picture of Large Brown Cicada


They land on rose family trees such as cherry and pear trees and suck sap. They are commonly seen in urban areas.

Adults appear from around July and often cry in the afternoon.


Tama River midstream

Many Aburazemi can be seen along the Tama River.The individual I photographed was perched on a Japanese walnut tree along the river. There were about half as many of them as the Minmin cicadas.


Introducing a picture of Large Brown Cicada.

Picture of Large Brown Cicada1|Opaque brown wings.
Opaque brown wings.
Picture of Large Brown Cicada2|Resting on a trunk.
Resting on a trunk.
Picture of Large Brown Cicada3|Head and thorax are blackish brown.
Head and thorax are blackish brown.
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Pictures of Large Brown Cicada.

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