Blacktip grouper

Blacktip grouper

red body with five horizontal stripes.


It is about 30cm long and reddish overall. There are five dark horizontal stripes running down its body. There are irregular white spots.

The spines on its dorsal fin have black tips.Picture of Blacktip grouper


It can be found on coral reefs and rocky reefs. It preys on small fish and crustaceans. It can be seen during the day, but sometimes stays still in the shade of rocks.



This was taken during a daytime dive at Osezaki. Depending on the depth, the color of its body may appear brown instead of red. It was standing still with its head sticking out from behind a rock.


Introducing a picture of Blacktip grouper.

Picture of Blacktip grouper1|body is reddish.
body is reddish.
Picture of Blacktip grouper2|has five vertical stripes.
has five vertical stripes.
Picture of Blacktip grouper3|tip of dorsal fin is black.
tip of dorsal fin is black.
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