

They come to the tidal flats in large numbers.


Sandpipers fly all over Japan. The whole body is grayish, but the color changes between the breeding season and the non-breeding season. In the summer during the breeding season, the head and back become reddish brown, and the belly to the base of the legs become black. In winter, the whole body becomes pale gray and the belly becomes pure white. The beak and legs are black. There is a slightly darker gray band from the base of the beak to the eyes. White above and behind the eyes. In flight, the wings look brown with a single white line.

Cries of the Dunlin

The voice of the sandpiper can be muddy or not muddy, such as "Jui", "Juririri", and "Piriy". They sing when they fly off together.

Picture of Duniln


Found in tidal flats and estuaries. When they visit vast tidal flats on their way from Alaska, they sometimes form large flocks of several thousand to tens of thousands of birds. They are carnivorous and prey on lugworms, crustaceans, and shellfish that live in tidal flats. When high tide approaches, they stay still on the shore, but when the tide begins to recede, they come down to the tidal flats and have a lively meal.


We observed a small group on the coast of Arao-higata, Kumamoto Prefecture. When the tide was high, several hundred birds huddled together and stayed still. Daizen was also mixed in the herd. When the tide receded and we started to see the tidal flats, we started walking along the beach, and when we saw the sand, we started eating together. Then, a large flock came from another place, and the tidal flat was covered with sandpipers.The sight of them flying together in a flock is impressive.


This video of Duniln.

They were gathered by the sea.


Introducing a picture of Duniln.

Picture of Duniln1|Light gray winter plumage.
Light gray winter plumage.
Picture of Duniln2|Brown wings with white lines.
Brown wings with white lines.
Picture of Duniln3|They were flying in flocks.
They were flying in flocks.
Picture of Duniln4|When the tide went out, they scavenged for food all at once.
When the tide went out, they scavenged for food all at once.
Picture of Duniln5|Daizen is also mixed.
Daizen is also mixed.
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Pictures of Duniln.

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