Common Goldeneye

Common Goldeneye

Its Japanese name comes from the white markings on its cheeks.


A winter bird characterized by white spots on the cheeks of males. The male has a glossy deep green head and yellow iris. The back is black, the belly is white, and the beak is black. The female has a dark brown head and gray body, not as distinct as the male. The female also has a yellow beak tip. Juveniles closely resemble females, but do not have yellow beak tips.

Picture of Common Goldeneye


Breeds from spring to summer. It comes to Japan as a winter bird. Found in lakes, rivers and bays. It dives and preys on small underwater animals. They often move in groups.


Lake Suwa Kamaguchi Water Gate

About 10 birds were swimming in a flock in the pool in front of the water gate. There were two males followed by females and juveniles. There was a female soaking wet just below the lock, foraging furiously. This individual was the only one who was separated from the herd.


Introducing a picture of Common Goldeneye.

Picture of Common Goldeneye1|White spots on cheeks are characteristic.
White spots on cheeks are characteristic.
Picture of Common Goldeneye2|Moved in groups.
Moved in groups.
Picture of Common Goldeneye3|A foraging female.
A foraging female.
Picture of Common Goldeneye4|It's a young bird.
It's a young bird.
Picture of Common Goldeneye5|Males have a sharp contrast between white and black.
Males have a sharp contrast between white and black.
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