Mandarin duck

Mandarin duck

Male breeding plumage is colorful.


A bird characterized by the colorful plumage of males. During the breeding season, males have a complex appearance with different colors for each part. White around the eyes and red beak. Green to brown feathers flutter backwards from the top of the head. Jagged brown feathers extend from the cheeks to the throat. The chest is purple and the belly is white. Wings are tinged with blue. When it becomes an eclipse, it changes and changes to a sober appearance of the whole body gray. Even then, only the beak was red.Females are gray all over. The area around the eyes is white, with a white line extending behind the eyes. The beak is black.


The male makes a short "puy" call. When alarmed, it makes a sharp "kick" sound.

Picture of Mandarin duck


Lives in lakes and streams. It prefers darkness, such as being shaded by trees, to open water. It eats fruits of trees such as oaks, riparian plants, and insects. Breeds by building nests in tree cavities. Chicks jump from nests in trees.

We know that mandarin duck pairs change their mates every year, and it seems that they don't last a lifetime, as we imagine when we hear the word "mandarin duck couple."


I took a picture of him swimming in a mountain stream in Akiruno City. I was surprised to see a male Mandarin Duck suddenly in the quiet, thin river. I couldn't find a female, but after observing for a while, she approached the male. She was leisurely feeding in the upper reaches of the river where there were few other ducks.


The mandarin duck.

It swims with a short cry.


Introducing a picture of Mandarin duck.

Picture of Mandarin duck1|The whole body is colorful.
The whole body is colorful.
Picture of Mandarin duck2|Wings have blue in them.
Wings have blue in them.
Picture of Mandarin duck3|Looking at the face from the front, the feathers extending from the cheeks look pointed.
Looking at the face from the front, the feathers extending from the cheeks look pointed.
Picture of Mandarin duck4|Gray brown female.
Gray brown female.
Picture of Mandarin duck5|The area around the eyes is white.
The area around the eyes is white.
Picture of Mandarin duck6|They were swimming in pairs.
They were swimming in pairs.
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Pictures of Mandarin duck.

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