

Yellow and black stripes.


Five black vertical stripes run across the pale yellow. One of them runs through the snout and crosses the eye. The caudal fin is transparent. The silhouette is a slightly tall rectangle.The largest ones are about 20cm long.

Picture of Stripey


Found in reefs and tide pools. Swims in schools and eats seaweed and small animals.


Miura Peninsula, Arasaki

There were many of them in the tide pools and relatively shallow rocks of Arasaki. They were in schools of several fish or mixed with other fish such as Oyabiccha. Most of them were a little larger than Oyabiccha.


Introducing a picture of Stripey.

Picture of Stripey1|Black and yellow stripes.
Black and yellow stripes.
Picture of Stripey2|There were a few of them in a school.
There were a few of them in a school.
Picture of Stripey3|Swimming in the tide pool.
Swimming in the tide pool.
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Pictures of Stripey.

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