Eastern Buzzard

Eastern Buzzard

Named for the way it glides near the ground


In addition to size, other ways to distinguish them are the color and the shape of their tail feathers.In terms of color, black kites are dark brown overall, including the belly, while buzzards have a whitish belly.The shape of the tail feathers of the black kite is triangular, while that of the buzzard is fan-shaped (roundish).

I often use the shape of the tail feathers as a basis for distinguishing them, as they can be judged only by their silhouettes.

Picture of Eastern Buzzard


Inhabit forests and mountains. It preys on small animals and insects. It pauses in trees or in the air and glides to the ground to catch prey. This appearance is also the origin of the Japanese name "Nozuri". It can also act on the ground.


Above Katakura Castle Ruins Park

As I walk through Katakura Castle Ruins Park in Hachioji City, I find myself circling in the sky above the trees. The individual I took a picture of jumped out from a low tree while I was photographing a golden catadaki.After circling for a while, it took off toward Tsudoi no Mori Park.


Introducing a picture of Eastern Buzzard.

Picture of Eastern Buzzard1|Overall whitish.
Overall whitish.
Picture of Eastern Buzzard2|It was circling over the park.
It was circling over the park.
Picture of Eastern Buzzard3|The tips of the wings are dark brown.
The tips of the wings are dark brown.
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Pictures of Eastern Buzzard.

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