Bicolor chromisii
Navy body with white tail fin.
Scientific name | Pycnochromis margaritifer |
English name | Bicolor chromisii |
Japanese name | Shikokusuzumedai |
Classification | Actinopterygii |
Classification details | Perciformes Pomacentridae |
Full length | Less than 10cm |
Distribution | South of Chiba prefecture. |
The juvenile fish has a navy body and a white tail fin. As it grows into an adult, it becomes darker in color.
The back of the dorsal fin is white to the tail fin. The tips of the dorsal and pelvic fins are a beautiful bright blue. The snout is also bright blue. The area around the eyes is dark brown.
It hides in the gaps between rocks on reefs and coral reefs, or in the shadows of sea urchins. It is very cautious, but will not leave the gaps it likes.
It preys on plankton and other things.
Araki, Miura Peninsula
Photographed in a gap between rocks at a depth of about 2.5m in Araki.Compared to other juvenile fish, this fish is more curious, and when I left the camera alone, it came out and swam in front of the lens.When I shone the light on it, the blue color of the tip of its fin reflected beautifully.
The video of the Bicolor chromisii.
シコクスズメダイ Pycnochromis margaritiferPictures
Introducing a picture of Bicolor chromisii.

Picture book

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