Thornback cowfish

Thornback cowfish

Blue spots spread all over the body.


The puffer fish has beautiful blue spots that spread from orange to brown on its body. Some of the spots are small circles, while others are long and worm-eaten. A pair of spines protrude forward from between the eyes. It also has a spine on its back. The mouth is a little sharp. The iris is emerald green.

Picture of Thornback cowfish


Inhabits coastal reefs and coral reefs, and eats small bottom animals. act mostly alone. Like other boxfish, it cannot swim fast.


Hayakawa beach at night

During night diving at Hayakawa Beach, I took a picture of him swimming near the seabed. As it was night time, it was relaxing. The blue pattern that stretched all over the body was beautiful.


Introducing a picture of Thornback cowfish.

Picture of Thornback cowfish1|Brown body with blue spots.
Brown body with blue spots.
Picture of Thornback cowfish2|There are spines sticking out between the eyes.
There are spines sticking out between the eyes.
Picture of Thornback cowfish3|There are spines on the back as well.
There are spines on the back as well.
Picture of Thornback cowfish4|Ochobo mouth.
Ochobo mouth.
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Pictures of Thornback cowfish.

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