White-Breasted Waterhen

White-Breasted Waterhen

White from the face to the chest.


A waterhen found in Okinawa Prefecture.The face, throat, and belly are white, the back is blackish brown, and the lower tail is brown. The iris is red. The base of the beak is red and the tip is yellowish green. The legs are yellow and strong.

Picture of White-Breasted Waterhen


Found in rivers, rice fields, and grasslands. Eats small animals such as insects and plant matter.Can be seen during the day, but will run into the bushes if a human approaches.


Ishigaki Island

Photographed on Ishigaki Island.Found walking in the shadow of a tree, but immediately ran away.Ishigaki Island is relatively common, but it quickly escapes.


Introducing a picture of White-Breasted Waterhen.

Picture of White-Breasted Waterhen1|The upper surface is black to brown, and the belly is white.
The upper surface is black to brown, and the belly is white.
Picture of White-Breasted Waterhen2|The base of the beak is red.
The base of the beak is red.
Picture of White-Breasted Waterhen3|They were walking in the shade in pairs.
They were walking in the shade in pairs.
Picture of White-Breasted Waterhen4|The iris is red.
The iris is red.
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