Vermiculated puffer

Vermiculated puffer

Has fine spots on the back.


A medium-sized blowfish about 30cm long. It has fine spots on the back of its body. The body is rounded. It has sharp teeth and can bite off harris and crush crustaceans. They don't swim fast.

Picture of Vermiculated puffer


Inhabits shallow sandy areas and swims slowly in groups. Eat crustaceans, etc.


Hayakawa Beach

I took a picture of a flock at the sea in December. They were swimming slowly in groups of dozens of them. It didn't seem like he was that cautious.


Introducing a picture of Vermiculated puffer.

Picture of Vermiculated puffer1|There are fine spots on the back.
There are fine spots on the back.
Picture of Vermiculated puffer2|They were swimming in groups.
They were swimming in groups.
Picture of Vermiculated puffer3|Round body.
Round body.
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Pictures of Vermiculated puffer.

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