Balkal Teal

Balkal Teal

A face with a black, green, and brown Tomoe-shaped pattern


The male's face is characterized by a black, green, and light brown Tomoe pattern. Black lines hang from the eyes like tears. The body is about one size larger than a teal. The upper side of the body is brown. The shoulder feathers are long and hang down to the sides, so that when on the water, they almost touch the water surface. The beak is lead-colored.

Picture of Balkal Teal


They fly to rivers, lakes, and ponds as winter birds. On the Japan Sea side, they can gather in large flocks of hundreds of birds. On the Pacific side, they are rare. They are omnivorous and feed near water.


Senryu-ji Benzaiten Pond

At the beginning of the year, I photographed a male flying into the pond of Senryu-ji Benzaiten Pond. It was swimming calmly among the spot-billed ducks. After a while, it came up onto land, moved a little, and then went into another pond. Its face was very beautiful.


Introducing a picture of Balkal Teal.

Picture of Balkal Teal1|It has a distinctive black, brown, and black pattern.
It has a distinctive black, brown, and black pattern.
Picture of Balkal Teal2|It flapped its wings.
It flapped its wings.
Picture of Balkal Teal3|The shoulder feathers are hanging down to the sides of its body.
The shoulder feathers are hanging down to the sides of its body.
Picture of Balkal Teal4|It was walking out of the water.
It was walking out of the water.
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