Asiatic dayflower

Asiatic dayflower

vivid blue petals.


A flower with bright blue petals. It has two blue petals and one small white petal. It has 6 yellow stamens. The shape of the leaves is drop-shaped like a thick bamboo leaf.

Picture of Asiatic dayflower


It can be found anywhere, including fields, meadows, and riverbeds. Blooms in the morning from early summer to September. Flowers wilt in the afternoon.


When I was photographing the birds on the river bank on the left bank of the Tama River, they were blooming beautifully, so I photographed them. It didn't grow in clusters and was blooming in spots.


Introducing a picture of Asiatic dayflower.

Picture of Asiatic dayflower1|Blue petals and yellow stamens.
Blue petals and yellow stamens.
Picture of Asiatic dayflower2|Leaves like bamboo.
Leaves like bamboo.
Picture of Asiatic dayflower3|There is a third petal.
There is a third petal.
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Pictures of Asiatic dayflower.

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