Common Tern

Common Tern

Black helmet-like head.


They are about the same size as pigeons, but appear slightly smaller than gulls.
The head above the eyes is completely black, making it look like it is wearing a helmet. Both sexes are the same color. The beak is completely black. Young birds have reddish beaks. The tail feathers are swallow-tailed and pointed.

Tern cries

They make a high-pitched "ki" sound when taking off.

Picture of Common Tern


They fly to the coast and tidal flats as migratory birds. They dive into the sea to catch and eat fish. They hover just before diving.



I photographed a single bird at Sanbanze in early spring. It was resting at the water's edge among other gulls, including black-headed gulls. After observing for a while, it started preening its feathers. It looked much larger than a little tern.


Introducing a picture of Common Tern.

Picture of Common Tern1|The head and beak are black.
The head and beak are black.
Picture of Common Tern2|The forehead is white.
The forehead is white.
Picture of Common Tern3|It was taking a rest on the shore.
It was taking a rest on the shore.
Picture of Common Tern4|It was preening its feathers.
It was preening its feathers.
Picture of Common Tern5|It is about the same size as a black-headed gull.
It is about the same size as a black-headed gull.
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Pictures of Common Tern.

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