Chinese hwamei

Chinese hwamei

Makes a beautiful chirping sound in the forest.


A wild bird of the flycatcher family with a brown body and white eye rims. If you write the name in kanji, it will be "picture bird". The white markings around the eyes extend to the back of the head. Singing in the bush with a beautiful and complex voice. The cry is similar to that of the bush warbler, but it is characterized by a rather loud voice and a long melody.It is designated as a specific alien species, and was originally a bird that did not live in Japan. It is believed that the Laughing Butterfly, which was bought as a pet for its cry, escaped from its cage and became established. Currently, it is widely distributed from Kyushu to the south Tohoku.


Picture of Chinese hwamei


Inhabits thickets, etc., and lives in bushes. It eats insects and fruits while moving on the ground. They move in pairs during the breeding season. When it sings, it jumps from the ground to a slightly higher branch.


It was singing in the thickets of Oyamadairi Park, Machida City. It was just separated from the forest by the fence of the promenade, and it kept singing even when a lot of people approached. They make rustling noises as they move through the bushes, and if you hear only the sound of their movement, you can almost hear the turtledoves gathering food from the ground. They differ from pigeons in that they move while jumping.


Introducing a picture of Chinese hwamei.

Picture of Chinese hwamei1|It features a brown body with white eye rings.
It features a brown body with white eye rings.
Picture of Chinese hwamei2|It has a long tail.
It has a long tail.
Picture of Chinese hwamei3|When it sings, it jumps up on a slightly higher branch.
When it sings, it jumps up on a slightly higher branch.
Picture of Chinese hwamei4|It walks on the ground looking for food.
It walks on the ground looking for food.
Picture of Chinese hwamei5|Singing in a loud and beautiful voice.
Singing in a loud and beautiful voice.
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Pictures of Chinese hwamei.

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