Twotone tang

Twotone tang

blackish from face to tail (juvenile fish)


A fish of the family Scrophulariidae with a triangular body. The face is a light yellowish brown, fading to a darker color towards the tail. Juveniles have vertical stripes. The eyes are black and the mouth is slightly protruding.

Picture of Twotone tang


Inhabits coral reefs and eats algae on the surface of coral and rocks. The swimmers are slow rather than agile.


Ishigaki Island

I photographed a juvenile fish foraging near coral while diving. The silhouette was unique and interesting. It was poking coral with its slightly sharp proboscis.


Introducing a picture of Twotone tang.

Picture of Twotone tang1|(juvenile fish) have a triangular shape.
(juvenile fish) have a triangular shape.
Picture of Twotone tang2|(juvenile fish) Foraging near coral.
(juvenile fish) Foraging near coral.
Picture of Twotone tang3|(juvenile fish) The color becomes darker toward the tail.
(juvenile fish) The color becomes darker toward the tail.
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