Japanese grasshopper

Japanese grasshopper

a locust whose wings are longer than its legs.


Brown back and green two-tone locust. As its Japanese name suggests, its wings extend beyond its legs (knees in humans). The sense of touch extending from the eyebrows is not that long.

Like other locusts, it is considered a pest of rice. It becomes edible when grilled or boiled in soy.

Picture of Japanese grasshopper


Commonly seen in paddy fields and reedbeds from summer to autumn. Sometimes they perch in groups. When perched on a leaf, it stays still, but when it senses danger, it hides under the leaf or flies away.


Katakura Castle Ruins Park

I took this photo on the iris tree path in the castle ruins park. Locusts are very common in Hachioji. It started eating the tip of the leaf while I was taking pictures.


Introducing a picture of Japanese grasshopper.

Picture of Japanese grasshopper1|brown and green.
brown and green.
Picture of Japanese grasshopper2|The wings are longer than the legs.
The wings are longer than the legs.
Picture of Japanese grasshopper3|Clings to leaves.
Clings to leaves.
Picture of Japanese grasshopper4|It was chewing on leaves.
It was chewing on leaves.
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