Blackbar devil

Blackbar devil

There is a black spot in front of the caudal fin.


A damselfish with a brown or gray-brown body and a white to pale yellow caudal fin. The edges of the caudal fin look slightly bluish. The pectoral fin is yellow.

Picture of Blackbar devil


It lives on coral reefs and has territories near Acropora and Pocillopora corals. It eats algae within its territory.


Hachijojima, Sokodo Beach

Many were seen around the coral at Sokodo Beach. They seem to have a strong sense of territory and do not move from the same spot. They would go in and out under the coral.


Introducing a picture of Blackbar devil.

Picture of Blackbar devil1|Yellow pectoral fins stand out against a brown body.
Yellow pectoral fins stand out against a brown body.
Picture of Blackbar devil2|There is a black horizontal band at the base of the caudal fin.
There is a black horizontal band at the base of the caudal fin.
Picture of Blackbar devil3|It was swimming in and out from under the coral.
It was swimming in and out from under the coral.
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