Cigar wrasse

Cigar wrasse

It looks a lot like seaweed.


A saltwater fish of the wrasse family named for its elongated shape that closely resembles barracuda.Body color varies, but ranges from green to brown. Juveniles are green. The individual I photographed had a color similar to that of seaweed and was not that long, so it may not have been completely controlled.Stripes run vertically.

Picture of Cigar wrasse


It mainly inhabited seaweed beds on sandy bottoms, and poked sand and seaweed while swimming hidden in seaweed. It swims rather slowly.


Niijima Maehama

I found it swimming near the sandy seabed at a depth of about 3-4m. The color was very similar to that of seaweed, and it was rare, so I dived close to it to photograph it. It swam relatively slowly and seemed to be hiding in the seaweed clumps.


Introducing a picture of Cigar wrasse.

Picture of Cigar wrasse1|It has a green color similar to seaweed.
It has a green color similar to seaweed.
Picture of Cigar wrasse2|White vertical stripes run.
White vertical stripes run.
Picture of Cigar wrasse3|The silhouette is elongated and barracuda-like.
The silhouette is elongated and barracuda-like.
Picture of Cigar wrasse4|The tip of the snout is pointed.
The tip of the snout is pointed.
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Pictures of Cigar wrasse.

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