Oriental Turtle Dove

Oriental Turtle Dove

Crying "de de po po"


A pigeon that is characterized by a cry called "de de po po". It is called Turtle Dove because its scale-like wings are likened to a pheasant. There is also a pattern at the base of the neck. The whole body is plain gray. The wings are brown. The iris is reddish.

Another name is Yamabato. This is because they used to live in mountains, but now they are not afraid of humans and can even see human settlements.


The chirping is the repetition of "Dede poppo" that everyone has heard. It's pretty loud and sticks in my ears.

Picture of Oriental Turtle Dove


Widely inhabits from mountains to plains. They are omnivores and eat pretty much anything, including plant seeds and insects. They often move in pairs, and sometimes two perch on a power line. It is the male that chirps with a characteristic voice.

Breeds by constructing nests of twigs not only on trees but also on man-made structures. Eggs are laid and hatch in about 15 days, and leave the nest in about 15 days.


I photographed Yamabato in Katakura Castle Site Park, Hachioji City.Yamabato is quite courageous, and when it is quietly chasing other wild birds, it does not run away even if it gets very close. It's not that they're unaware of humans, but it gives the impression that they're probably sitting still, assuming they won't harm them.

When I hear a male singing on a summer morning, I can't help but feel that it's summer.


The video of the Turtle Dove.

resting on a branch.


Introducing a picture of Oriental Turtle Dove.

Picture of Oriental Turtle Dove1|It was perched on a branch.
It was perched on a branch.
Picture of Oriental Turtle Dove2|It also closed its eyes.
It also closed its eyes.
Picture of Oriental Turtle Dove3|The wing pattern is splendid.
The wing pattern is splendid.
Picture of Oriental Turtle Dove4|Don't run away even if you get very close.
Don't run away even if you get very close.
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Pictures of Oriental Turtle Dove.

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