Japanese Dart

Japanese Dart

dark yellow with brown mottling.


Hensericho has yellow and brown spots on the underside of its wings that are close to orange. It has a slightly flashy appearance among the Hesericho that can be seen around us. The wing surfaces are alternately brown and orange in a wave-like pattern. The compound eyes are brown and large.

Its flight is as agile and straight as other hensericho.

Picture of Japanese Dart


Found in grasslands and riverbeds. It sucks nectar from flowers and rests on leaves. Larvae feed on grasses. It emerges several times from around June to early autumn, and spends the winter as larvae.


When I was walking along the riverbed in Asakawa, Hachioji City, I saw a sericho that stood out on the leaves. There are many plants of the gramineous family, including Japanese pampas grass, on the riverbed, and you can often see the Hesericho family. I didn't run away even if I took a lot of close-up shots. The hair growing on the chest gives the impression of an animal with fur.


Introducing a picture of Japanese Dart.

Picture of Japanese Dart1|Yellow and brown, close to orange.
Yellow and brown, close to orange.
Picture of Japanese Dart2|There are quite a few fine hairs on the chest.
There are quite a few fine hairs on the chest.
Picture of Japanese Dart3|The wing surface is alternately orange and brown.
The wing surface is alternately orange and brown.
Picture of Japanese Dart4|The pattern on the back becomes darker toward the tip.
The pattern on the back becomes darker toward the tip.
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