Chinese Grosbeak

Chinese Grosbeak

Black head behind the eyes.


A bird of the family Cicadae that resembles a squid. The head and wings are similar to squid, but slightly smaller. The male has a black head. The difference from squid is that the black part extends behind the eyes and around the neck. The beak of the koikaru is yellow and is very similar to that of the squid, but the tip of the koikaru's beak is blackened. The wings are black to dark blue, with white on the wind.


It sings "Kyoikoi" and "Keeko Keeko", which are very similar to squid. The rumbling sounds a little muddy.

Picture of Chinese Grosbeak


Comes to the forests of the plains and mountains as a winter bird. It can also be seen in urban parks. Crack the hard fruit on the tree and eat it. The way it flies is a wavy flight similar to that of a cuttlefish.


Found foraging in trees in late winter. I thought it was a squid because it was the only one and it was backlit, but when I looked closer, it was a squid. It stayed on the same branch for a while, but was chased away by a shrike.


Introducing a picture of Chinese Grosbeak.

Picture of Chinese Grosbeak1|Black behind the eyes.
Black behind the eyes.
Picture of Chinese Grosbeak2|It was foraging on trees.
It was foraging on trees.
Picture of Chinese Grosbeak3|The iris is dark red.
The iris is dark red.
Picture of Chinese Grosbeak4|The tip of the beak is blackish.
The tip of the beak is blackish.
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