Ornate leaf slug

Ornate leaf slug

green body with black and white spots


A sea slug with white and black spots on a green or greenish-brown body. The rim of the body is black and orange. Antennae are cylindrical and turn orange toward the tip.

Picture of Ornate leaf slug


Found in rocky areas in relatively shallow waters. eat seaweed.Chloroplasts can be incorporated into cells.


Miura Peninsula Arasaki

Many of them were clinging to the rocks of Arasaki and eating their meals eagerly.
When I was swimming, I saw some individuals floating in the waves. It is interesting that the tone of green differs depending on the individual.


Introducing a picture of Ornate leaf slug.

Picture of Ornate leaf slug1|Whole body is green/greenish brown.
Whole body is green/greenish brown.
Picture of Ornate leaf slug2|The rim is black and orange.
The rim is black and orange.
Picture of Ornate leaf slug3|There are white and black spots.
There are white and black spots.
Picture of Ornate leaf slug4|In seaweed.
In seaweed.
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