Blackfin dartfish

Blackfin dartfish

The back half of the body is black.


The back half of the adult fish's body is black. They swim with their dorsal and anal fins spread out. The head is a bright yellow or light blue color. Total length is about 10 cm.

When they are juvenile, their body is transparent and the black of their dorsal fin is also pale.

Picture of Blackfin dartfish


They live on reefs and coral reefs. They sometimes hover in the middle layer without touching the seabed.


Miura Peninsula, Arasaki

I photographed a school of juvenile fish swimming in the middle layer of the rocks at Arasaki. There were about 10 of them floating between the surface and the reefs. Since it was still a juvenile, its color was pale, but its dorsal and anal fins were fully extended.


Introducing a picture of Blackfin dartfish.

Picture of Blackfin dartfish1|A juvenile fish whose tail fin is starting to turn black.
A juvenile fish whose tail fin is starting to turn black.
Picture of Blackfin dartfish2|The body is still transparent.
The body is still transparent.
Picture of Blackfin dartfish3|They were swimming in a school near the surface.
They were swimming in a school near the surface.
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