Argyreus hyperbius

Argyreus hyperbius

It has a leopard print that shines in the grassland.


Nymphalidae are bright orange with black spots resembling a leopard print. It is called "Tsumaguro" because the tips of its hind wings are black. However, males and females have different patterns on the upper side, and females have white and purple bands near the tips of their forewings. The pattern on the female is thought to mimic another butterfly, the venomous hippopotamus. The underside of the wings is light brown with irregular white or black spots.

In recent years, it has expanded its distribution to the north, and can now be seen in the Kanto region as well. Since it feeds on garden plants such as pansies and violets, it is thought that it spread along with the expansion of the distribution of these plants.

Picture of Argyreus hyperbius


They live in parks and grasslands, and can be seen near cities. Larvae feed on pansies, violets, and violas. It is seen from around April to November, and it is a polymorphism that occurs 4 or 5 times.


I found a male flying in the grassland near the Yudono River in Hachioji City. It circled around at a slow speed and landed on a fleabane flower. When I moved from the flower to the drainage ditch on the ground, I was able to observe it from the front because it was standing still with its wings spread. There was a gradation from dark orange to light orange from the forewing to the hindwing.


Introducing a picture of Argyreus hyperbius.

Picture of Argyreus hyperbius1|The leopard print and the tip of the hindwing are black.
The leopard print and the tip of the hindwing are black.
Picture of Argyreus hyperbius2|Perched on a fleabane flower.
Perched on a fleabane flower.
Picture of Argyreus hyperbius3|Face.
Picture of Argyreus hyperbius4|It is a male with orange to the tips of the forewings.
It is a male with orange to the tips of the forewings.
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