Eurasian Wren

Eurasian Wren

Sings loudly for its small size.


One of Japan's smallest wild birds. The total length is only about 11 cm, and the body alone looks like the size of a golf ball. The whole body is dark brown, and the wings have dark brown stripes. The inside of the mouth is yellow. There is a light brown line above the eye.

With its short tail held up and its body trembling, it sings with its mouth wide open.


The wren is unimaginably large for its small body and sings beautifully. It's difficult to put their chirping into words, but they sing freely with a high, complex voice called "churi churi chiri lilyi." Compared to gray wagtails living in a similar environment, their songs are long and sweet.


Wren(Misosazai) Name Origin

Its distinctive name comes from the word "sasai" which means small. The wren is a bird that has been popular all over the world for a long time, and in Japan it appears in the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki. It also appears in Grimm fairy tales and folklore in Europe. Although it is small, it seems to have been loved as a bird with a strong presence.

Picture of Eurasian Wren


They mainly inhabit mountain streams flowing through forests. Acts alone or in pairs, and eats insects while moving along streams. They are polygamous, and the male builds a pot-shaped nest with moss at the base of trees to attract females. They start singing around February and breed from spring to summer.


I took a picture of a wren singing in Mitakezawa, Akiruno City, Tokyo. I heard a voice near the entrance of the mountain path, and when I climbed the path along the stream and looked for it, I found it on top of a fallen tree.

wren videos

The video of the Wren.

It was near Jabuchi Falls.

It was chirping.


Introducing a picture of Eurasian Wren.

Picture of Eurasian Wren1|Singing with its mouth wide open.
Singing with its mouth wide open.
Picture of Eurasian Wren2|The tail is held up.
The tail is held up.
Picture of Eurasian Wren3|It's on a stone by the stream.
It's on a stone by the stream.
Picture of Eurasian Wren4|The inside of the mouth is yellow.
The inside of the mouth is yellow.
Picture of Eurasian Wren5|Singing loudly.
Singing loudly.
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