Yellow-throated bunting
Bright yellow throat
Scientific name | Emberiza elegans |
English name | Yellow-throated bunting |
Japanese name | Miyamahoojiro |
Classification | Aves |
Classification details | Passeriformes Emberizidae |
Full length | 16cm |
Distribution | Eurasia |
A winter bird of the Bunting family, the male's throat and eyebrows are bright yellow. It is very similar to bunting and cassilla dacha. Females in particular have a pale yellow color, so much so that they can be mistaken for cassava.Like other bunting birds, males have well-developed crest feathers and a black eye line. The tail feathers are W-shaped.
They come around mountains and forests. They form flocks and feed on seeds and small insects.They come from the continent in the winter and overwinter.
This photo was taken near Enrei Ojo Parkline Observatory in Okaya City, Nagano Prefecture. It was a snowy day from the morning, but birds, mainly buntings, were active.Among the trees, a male perched on a branch that was not exposed to light. It was about the same size as a bunting, but could be identified by the bright yellow color of its throat. After a while, he returned to the bush.
Introducing a picture of Yellow-throated bunting.

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