Chinese trumpet vine

Chinese trumpet vine

orange flowers bloom in summer.


Bright orange to red flowers bloom in summer. The flowers are about 7cm in size and bloom upwards. The buds before blooming are pointed.The vines can reach several meters to 10 meters in length. The leaves are oval or egg-shaped with sawtooth.

Picture of Chinese trumpet vine


Native to China. In addition to being grown for ornamental purposes, some individuals can be seen growing their vines on fences and other structures.Bright orange flowers bloom from around July.


Fence along the Sakai River

On a summer morning, I photographed a Trumpet Creeper growing its vines on a fence along the Sakai River.It had large, bright flowers blooming upwards.


Introducing a picture of Chinese trumpet vine.

Picture of Chinese trumpet vine1|deep orange flowers bloom.
deep orange flowers bloom.
Picture of Chinese trumpet vine2|pointed buds.
pointed buds.
Picture of Chinese trumpet vine3|leaves have sawtooth.
leaves have sawtooth.
Picture of Chinese trumpet vine4|Blooms slightly upwards.
Blooms slightly upwards.
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