Japanese striped loach

Japanese striped loach

Has oval spots and stays motionless on the riverbed.


Inhabits sandy riverbeds. It has three pairs of whiskers and spots on the sides of its body. There are many subspecies, and the pattern of spots varies depending on the region. It stays still and runs away when people approach, but since it can only move a short distance at a time, it can be easily caught if it doesn't lose sight of it. Because they are small and easy to keep, they have also been kept as ornamental fish.

Picture of Japanese striped loach


Found in Kita-Asakawa, Hachioji City. It was lying still at the bottom of the river with a gentle current, and it was difficult to find it until I got used to it. After finding it, I was able to catch it by gently chasing it from behind with a tamo. Most of them were rather small, averaging 7-8 cm.


Introducing a picture of Japanese striped loach.

Picture of Japanese striped loach1|Discovered in Kitasagawa, Hachioji City.
Discovered in Kitasagawa, Hachioji City.
Picture of Japanese striped loach2|There were a few in shallow water with no current.
There were a few in shallow water with no current.
Picture of Japanese striped loach3|Observed in a case.
Observed in a case.
Picture of Japanese striped loach4|Stay still at the bottom of the clear water.
Stay still at the bottom of the clear water.
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