Pale Thrush

Pale Thrush

Lurking in winter bushes.


A member of the bulbul-sized thrush. The whole body is grey-brown, and as the name suggests, the belly is whitish. The head is grayish and the back is brownish. The beak and feet are yellow to orange with thin yellow eye rings around the eyes. It looks a lot like Akahara, but it doesn't have an orange color on its body. Males and females look very similar, but females are slightly whiter.


I can hear the characteristic cry of Shirohara from the bushes. "Kyokyo" and "pyopyo" are different voices from brown-eared bulbuls.

Picture of Pale Thrush


It comes flying south of Honshu as a winter bird. It lives mainly in forests, but it also comes to bushes in parks. It eats insects, worms and nuts while walking on the ground alone. Their behavior is very similar to thrushes.


This photo was taken in the thickets of Katakura Castle Ruins Park in Hachioji City. In winter, when I was walking along the forest road in the park, I heard the peculiar cry of the white harassment called "pyo-pyo-pyo". After searching for a while, I found an individual walking on the ground among fallen leaves. It looks a lot like the thrush, but it gives the impression that it lives in the dark.


Introducing a picture of Pale Thrush.

Picture of Pale Thrush1|Whole body is brown.
Whole body is brown.
Picture of Pale Thrush2|The impression is that you are in the dark such as a bush.
The impression is that you are in the dark such as a bush.
Picture of Pale Thrush3|It was foraging on the ground.
It was foraging on the ground.
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