Red Deadnettle

Red Deadnettle

Contains a small amount of sweet nectar.


An invasive species native to Europe.The plant is about 10cm tall. Large ones can grow to 25cm.
The oval shape has slightly serrated teeth that grow opposite each other. The labia purpurea flowers are pale pink and store nectar.

Picture of Red Deadnettle


Commonly seen on roadsides and in parks. Flowers less than 1cm in size bloom from around March, and bees and other insects gather around them.


Roadsides in Hachioji City

These flowers grow everywhere, such as roadsides and parks.
When I was little, I used to pick these flowers and suck the sweet nectar.
Insects also gather there in search of nectar.


Introducing a picture of Red Deadnettle.

Picture of Red Deadnettle1|Small flowers bloom.
Small flowers bloom.
Picture of Red Deadnettle2|Blooms on all sides.
Blooms on all sides.
Picture of Red Deadnettle3|Red-purple lip-shaped flowers.
Red-purple lip-shaped flowers.
Picture of Red Deadnettle4|There were many growing in sunny places.
There were many growing in sunny places.
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