Common Sandpiper

Common Sandpiper

characterized by a high-pitched cry


A small sandpiper with a pale brown back. Its tail-waggling gait is similar to that of wagtails, and when found in rivers, it can be mistaken for juvenile Japanese wagtails. The belly is white and the legs are pale yellowish brown. The head is gray with a dark eye line. There is a white eye ring around the eye.Because of its name, sandpiper, you might think it lives near the sea, but it can also be found near ponds and rivers.


Sandpipers are characterized by their chirping. Cries out in a high-pitched voice, stretching out "Cheeree" and "Pewy".

A poem about sandpipers

The sandpiper is a seasonal word for autumn, and it has been written in poems because it can be seen around us.The sea snipe is the first to know the drying up of the sea-Toshiro Nomura

Picture of Common Sandpiper


They inhabit waterside areas such as rivers and ponds. As its name suggests, it can also be seen on rocky shores and tidal flats. Since they are resident birds north of Kyushu, they can be seen throughout the year. Basically they live alone and do not form flocks except when migrating. It eats insects, crustaceans, and small fish in the water.


Coast of Miura Peninsula

Taken on the coast of the Miura Peninsula. They were jumping from rock to rock looking for food. It was characterized by flapping its wings while chirping.Although not many in the rivers of Hachioji city, they are sometimes seen. When I first saw a sandpiper, I felt that it resembled a juvenile wagtail in terms of movement and size. They are more timid than wagtails, and once warned, they give the impression that they fly far away and run away.

Yudono River, Hachioji City

I was alone in the Yudono River in Hachioji City. It was dozing off on the riverbank, but when it woke up it started poking concrete and foraging.


The video of the sandpiper.

A sandpiper found in the Yudono River.


Introducing a picture of Common Sandpiper.

Picture of Common Sandpiper1|Brown back and white belly.
Brown back and white belly.
Picture of Common Sandpiper2|The eye line is running.
The eye line is running.
Picture of Common Sandpiper3|The legs are pale tan.
The legs are pale tan.
Picture of Common Sandpiper4|Dozing off on the river bank.
Dozing off on the river bank.
Picture of Common Sandpiper5|Has a white eye ring.
Has a white eye ring.
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