Narcissus Flycatcher

Narcissus Flycatcher

When it gets warmer, it comes to the bright forest.


A summer bird characterized by the dark yellow color of males. Yellow above the eyes and from the throat to the belly, and black from the head to the back. It has white stripes on the sides of its wings. Females have an olive-colored body.

During the breeding season, they make beautiful calls such as "picchu picchu" and "churichuri." It seems that the variation of the song differs depending on the region, and it sometimes imitates the song of other birds.


Picture of Narcissus Flycatcher


Mainly inhabits deciduous broad-leaved forests in mountainous areas. It feeds on arthropods such as insects and spiders in the forest. They can also catch prey in the air.

It is a summer bird that flies from China in the spring and travels to Southeast Asia in the winter to spend the winter.


Found in the woods near the Hikagezawa Campsite in Takao-cho, Hachioji City. The dull-colored female came first, and the male flew up the branch shortly after. The male was singing lively.

Around Uratakao, I was able to see summer birds such as blue-and-white blue-and-white birds.


The video

of the Narcissus Flycatcher.

The male was whispering.


Introducing a picture of Narcissus Flycatcher.

Picture of Narcissus Flycatcher1|Distinctive yellow eyebrows and belly.
Distinctive yellow eyebrows and belly.
Picture of Narcissus Flycatcher2|The throat is the darkest yellow.
The throat is the darkest yellow.
Picture of Narcissus Flycatcher3|You come to a bright forest.
You come to a bright forest.
Picture of Narcissus Flycatcher4|In the woods early in the morning.
In the woods early in the morning.
Picture of Narcissus Flycatcher5|Looking at the sky through the branches.
Looking at the sky through the branches.
Picture of Narcissus Flycatcher6|Brown female.
Brown female.
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Pictures of Narcissus Flycatcher.

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