

Gray body with fine black patterns.


The male has a grey body with fine black patterns. Even in eclipse, the color is not flashy. The head is slightly brown and the beak is leaden.

The female is brown all over and has a yellow beak. It looks similar to female mallards, but can be distinguished by the wing speculum.

Both males and females have white wing speculum.

Picture of Gadwall


They fly to rivers and lakes as winter birds. They live in small flocks and forage while swimming.
They seem to be more cautious than the Eastern Spot-billed Duck.


Tama River midstream, Kamikawahara Dam

In winter, they fly to the pools of the Kamikawahara Dam. They form small groups and forage. They are very cautious and will fly away if you get too close and head upstream or downstream. They are often seen at Shukugawara Weir.


Introducing a picture of Gadwall.

Picture of Gadwall1|Gray body with small black patterns.
Gray body with small black patterns.
Picture of Gadwall2|A flying male.
A flying male.
Picture of Gadwall3|Both males and females have white wing mirrors.
Both males and females have white wing mirrors.
Picture of Gadwall4|They are swimming side by side.
They are swimming side by side.
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Pictures of Gadwall.

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