Tritoniopsis elegans

Tritoniopsis elegans

Finely branched white dorsal process.


long-fingered sea slugThe whole body is pure white, and the white dorsal process that branches finely is beautiful. As the scientific name "elegans" suggests, it has an elegant appearance. The densely growing process stands up and is pure white to the tip. The antennae are slightly cream colored.

Picture of Tritoniopsis elegans


Found on reefs and coral reefs, it attaches itself to the reef and feeds.The individual photographed was around the end of July and was about 5cm in size.


Arasaki, Miura Peninsula

Found attached to a rock about 3m deep on the reef of Arasaki. Its pure white body stood out in the sea. The white protrusions were swaying in the waves.


Introducing a picture of Tritoniopsis elegans.

Picture of Tritoniopsis elegans1|The whole body is pure white.
The whole body is pure white.
Picture of Tritoniopsis elegans2|The dorsal process is branched and pointed.
The dorsal process is branched and pointed.
Picture of Tritoniopsis elegans3|It grows quite densely.
It grows quite densely.
Picture of Tritoniopsis elegans4|The antennae are cream colored.
The antennae are cream colored.
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