Phylloscopus examinandus

Phylloscopus examinandus

They come during the migration season.


A warbler with a brown color close to olive. The dorsal side of the body is brown, and the ventral side is pale brown to buff. The eyebrows are interrupted at the base of the beak. The beak is pale orange, and the legs are flesh-colored.

Picture of Phylloscopus examinandus


They fly during the migration season. They move through the forest while singing and catch and eat small animals such as insects.


Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park

This photo was taken at a wild bird park in autumn. There were several birds flying in the forest in the park, and I encountered them several times. As I was searching for it, relying on its rumbling, it came into view and I was able to photograph it.


Introducing a picture of Phylloscopus examinandus.

Picture of Phylloscopus examinandus1|The eyebrows are cut off in front of the beak.
The eyebrows are cut off in front of the beak.
Picture of Phylloscopus examinandus2|The whole body is brown.
The whole body is brown.
Picture of Phylloscopus examinandus3|Belly is buff colored.
Belly is buff colored.
Picture of Phylloscopus examinandus4|Running in and out of the bushes.
Running in and out of the bushes.
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Pictures of Phylloscopus examinandus.

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