two-striped green buprestid

two-striped green buprestid

Green metallic luster with red stripes.


A beetle with a beautiful green metallic sheen. It is about 30-40mm long. Its abdomen is spindle-shaped, with a pair of red-brown vertical stripes.

The color of its wings changes depending on how the light hits it, and it can sometimes look yellowish.

Picture of two-striped green buprestid


They appear in the summer, and become active on sunny days with good weather. They fly around broadleaf forests and eat the leaves of Chinese hackberry, zelkova, and cherry trees.

They are somewhat wary, and will fly away if a person approaches. Their wing sounds are quite loud.


Tama River riverbed

I found it flying along the roadside lined with Japanese walnuts and cherry trees on the Tama River riverbed. They were busy flying from leaf to leaf, and did not stay still for long. When he reached the trunk of the tree, he stalked off and was out of sight.


Introducing a picture of two-striped green buprestid.

Picture of two-striped green buprestid1|Metallic green.
Metallic green.
Picture of two-striped green buprestid2|The luster can sometimes appear yellowish.
The luster can sometimes appear yellowish.
Picture of two-striped green buprestid3|A pair of red to brown stripes run along it.
A pair of red to brown stripes run along it.
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