Piano fangblenny

Piano fangblenny

Elongated body with black dots.


A saltwater fish of the sea anemone family that looks like a row of black dots on its elongated body. The upper part of the body is dark brown and the belly is white. The blackish-brown part has dots lined up in the middle of the body. The caudal fin has a gradation from light blue to yellow. The edge of the dorsal fin is also light blue.

Picture of Piano fangblenny


Found on reefs. It enters the hole and only shows its face, but sometimes it comes out and swims aimlessly.


I took a picture of him swimming alone in a shallow rocky place in Arasaki. It fluttered diagonally upward from the bottom of the water toward the surface. When you point the camera at it, it speeds up and runs away.In Arasaki, sometimes a lone Gimpo jumps out and swims.


Introducing a picture of Piano fangblenny.

Picture of Piano fangblenny1|Black dots line up on a long, thin body.
Black dots line up on a long, thin body.
Picture of Piano fangblenny2|Light blue to yellow gradation from caudal fin.
Light blue to yellow gradation from caudal fin.
Picture of Piano fangblenny3|Swimming unsteadily.
Swimming unsteadily.
Picture of Piano fangblenny4|It is beautiful when it reflects light.
It is beautiful when it reflects light.
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Pictures of Piano fangblenny.

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