Yellow wagtail

Yellow wagtail

Distinctive yellow eyebrows.


The wagtail is characterized by its yellow color from its face to its belly. The eyebrows are bright yellow, and the eye line is brown with a little green. The upper surface of the body is yellowish green. In winter, the yellow belly becomes pale and whitish. The photo above seems to be of winter plumage. The tail feathers are dark brown and the legs are lead colored.
Juvenile birds are pale brown.

Differences between Long-nosed Wagtails and Gray Wagtails

The long-nosed wagtail is a migratory bird and is not often seen, but there are areas such as Okinawa where both species are found. Both are similar in that they are yellow wagtails. The distinguishing point is that the head including the eyebrows is yellow in the long-nosed wagtail, while the head is grayish in the gray wagtail. Also, looking at the color of the legs, gray wagtails have pink legs, but the long-tailed wagtail has lead.


The rumbling of the ground is muddy and "Ji, ji".

Picture of Yellow wagtail


Moves in small groups in meadows and farmlands. It catches and eats insects on the ground. From around May, it builds a nest on a plate on the ground and breeds.


Moves in small groups in meadows and farmlands. It catches and eats insects on the ground. From around May, it builds a nest on a plate on the ground and breeds.


Introducing a picture of Yellow wagtail.

Picture of Yellow wagtail1|Yellow eyebrows and greenish gray upper surface.
Yellow eyebrows and greenish gray upper surface.
Picture of Yellow wagtail2|It has winter plumage and the belly is light colored.
It has winter plumage and the belly is light colored.
Picture of Yellow wagtail3|Feet are lead colored.
Feet are lead colored.
Picture of Yellow wagtail4|The area around the chest is slightly darkened.
The area around the chest is slightly darkened.
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