Oberonia japonica

Oberonia japonica

The drooping inflorescence looks like a string.


The long, drooping inflorescence bears small orange flowers. It was named after the ornaments worn by the aristocrats of India. The leaves are fleshy and slightly thick. It is an evergreen perennial that grows on trees and rocks such as boxwood, cedar, and sudajii.Picture of Oberonia japonica


It grew on a tree on Mt. Nagataki in Mikurashima Island. Since it was December and the flowering season had passed, the inflorescences were dead. Nagatakiyama cannot be entered without a guide. It was fun hiking while learning about various birds, flowers, and moss from a knowledgeable guide.


Introducing a picture of Oberonia japonica.

Picture of Oberonia japonica1|Attached to shrub trunks.
Attached to shrub trunks.
Picture of Oberonia japonica2|The flowers are a little withered.
The flowers are a little withered.
Picture of Oberonia japonica3|Mikurashima, Mt. Nagataki.
Mikurashima, Mt. Nagataki.
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