Neon damselfish

Neon damselfish

A beautiful blue like neon.


A blue damselfish with a beautiful whole body. There are individual differences in blue, ranging from something close to cobalt blue to something that looks like turquoise blue. The caudal fin is yellow, but there are also individual differences. Depending on the individual, there are things with a dark and plain color.

The surface of the body has a pattern that looks like a long and narrow rhombus.

Picture of Neon damselfish


Inhabits tidal pools and reefs. They often form groups. When a human touches a rock and fine fragments fly around, they are overjoyed and gather together.


Miura Peninsula Arasaki

When you enter the sea of Arasaki, the first thing you see is the damselfish. always there It doesn't run away even if you get close to it. It's interesting to observe the subtle variations, from deep blue to green.


Introducing a picture of Neon damselfish.

Picture of Neon damselfish1|Beautiful blue.
Beautiful blue.
Picture of Neon damselfish2|It looks like fine rhombuses or lines.
It looks like fine rhombuses or lines.
Picture of Neon damselfish3|Individual close to cobalt blue.
Individual close to cobalt blue.
Picture of Neon damselfish4|Congregate on reefs.
Congregate on reefs.
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