Purple Heron

Purple Heron

Bluish purple color.


A large heron with a distinctive purplish brown color. Males and females are the same color, and adults have grayish purple upperparts and dark blue and brown vertical stripes on their necks. The crest on the back of the head is blackish.

Juvenile Purple Heron

Juvenile birds have a light brown body color and no crest feathers. It takes several years to become an adult bird, and it gradually acquires a bluish tint.


Like herons, they cry with sounds such as ''gwa'' and ``gararara''.

Picture of Purple Heron


It moves alone near paddy fields and fields, and in mangrove forests. It is often seen in places like grasslands rather than watersides. As an omnivore, it swallows frogs, mice, and even small birds whole.


Adult bird in the field

It was walking through the fallow grassy fields looking for food. It was a dark-colored adult bird, and the crest feathers were flying, so it was cool.

Young bird eating something

On another day, I found a young bird eating something in the meadow. It looked like he had caught something and swallowed it, and although his throat was unnaturally swollen, he lifted his head and swallowed it.

Purple Heron in the rain

There was also an adult bird that was hit by the rain in the field on a rainy day. It was a picture.


Introducing a picture of Purple Heron.

Picture of Purple Heron1|The upper surface is purplish brown.
The upper surface is purplish brown.
Picture of Purple Heron2|Adult birds have a fine crest.
Adult birds have a fine crest.
Picture of Purple Heron3|A juvenile bird in the grassland.
A juvenile bird in the grassland.
Picture of Purple Heron4|Swallowed something.
Swallowed something.
Picture of Purple Heron5|The shape of what is swallowed in the throat appears.
The shape of what is swallowed in the throat appears.
Picture of Purple Heron6|A young bird in the rain.
A young bird in the rain.
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Pictures of Purple Heron.

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